CONFIDENTIAL: good news bad news


good news bad news

yes... they seperate finally after 2 years of love and quarrels on Nov 12 (a very busy Saturday evening for me).

No comment... but it kind of has an impact on my life as they both live in the same flat with me. Luckily, only one of them is my close friend. I don't know how it would be if they both were my friends (heehee, sounds like my honey and my situation... touchwood~).

He drank vigorously and she is busy with work, study and meeting many friends.
They both told me they still love him/her, but I guess they had to seperate after all that had happened. I wonder... is it life? Given our vulnerability to control our OWN lives, what could we do to make the best out of it?

Being quite depressed recently, due to my study and sociability. I could not management my timetable well so far. Loneliness. There are no friends around that I could really talk to... perhaps it's me who don't have the depth of thoughts. My shallowness reflects on my close friends in this case. Life is very dull in both Hong Kong and here. I could curl up at home under a warm shelter with my parents, yet this way seems unworkable here. Wish me well...


Anonymous 匿名 said...


2005年11月24日 下午6:56:00 [GMT+8]



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