CONFIDENTIAL: 溝通渠道 Means of Communication


溝通渠道 Means of Communication

Little holes of secrets...
Originally uploaded by 汝軒.
有時候,看見 MSN 上的名字及 PERSONAL MESSAGE 或 BLOG 上的 ENTRIES,人們總常常在有意無意間明示暗示某些意思給特定的人。舉一個非常極端的例子:「今天我見到了喜歡的人……」,寫的人明知那個他/她今天見的人是會看見這個 personal msg 或 blog entry 的,為甚麼還要這樣「間接地」表白?另一個朋友 F 的實例:「如果而家有人速遞雪糕俾我食.. 我會.. hoohoo」如果有人真的做了你想得到的,你又會如何反應?


很害怕看見這個現象,覺得是很懦弱的行為。可是有時自己也不禁做起這種事來。It's comfy to be a coward. It's not necessary to confront everything as long as you could get to the real world through the internet. The reality is hazed over by imagination and illusion. What is left to be confronted is solitude. The absolute solitude, which is not acquired by a peaceful mind. When did people start relying upon the Internet for communication? Given that the discussion on communication itself could be complicated enough, how could I balance myself between the advanced convenient usage of technology and the rawness and pureness of my natural gift? After all, I hope that I'm the one who is in control.



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